(888) 454-9979

We Are Ready To Help You Save Money In 2020

  • Receive custom and competitive bids from the best local installers.

  • Let our solar experts pick the best solar installer for you and your home.

  • Have our dedicated solar advocates manage your solar project from start to finish.

  • Our bids are usually $4,375 lower than the market average.

  • 15 Minutes today will help you save $25,000 over the next 20 years.

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 Benefit From Our Hassle-Free SolarTM Process


Quick consultation call with a friendly solar expert


Get quick cost and savings estimates based off of your energy usage


Dozens of solar companies compete for your project


We'll analyze the bids and present you with the top 3 options

 What Our Customers Are Saying

Jeff B. - 3.92 kW System
“I did get 2 other bids along with all the bids that Pick My Solar gave me, but they were both monetarily more and I was really irritated by the constant harassment from them (other solar companies).”
Peter C. - 13.16 kW System
“Another solar installer bid my project at about 30% more for this size of system than all 3 of the quotations provided by Pick My Solar"